Car loans after bankruptcy can be a little more difficult than your previous loan you may have applied for before your financial downfall. This does not mean that it is impossible to get a loan. Now there is good news for those looking for a new car after bankruptcy. Getting car loans after bankruptcy is more likely today for those who find themselves in these circumstances.
There are a few things that you can do to help you get the approval you need for a car loan. Let's explore a few steps you can take to make car loans after bankruptcy easier.
Begin by double-checking your credit history reports. Pull your credit reports from Equifax, Transunion and Experian and go through them with a fine tooth comb to be sure that all debts that were to be removed in the bankruptcy are no longer on the reports. Sometimes, the bureaus can miss taking off a debt that has actually been discharged through your bankruptcy and this can lower your credit score more than it should.
You may want to draft up a letter to send to each of the three credit bureaus explaining the reasons for filing bankruptcy. If you had a setback due to a divorce, extreme medical bills or a temporary loss of job, this letter could give you a better chance at getting lower interest rates. Potential lenders will be able to read the explanation and may take this into consideration when deciding to grant you a car loan after bankruptcy. In addition, feel free to explain the steps you have taken to begin to rebuild your FICO score.
After reviewing your credit reports the next step would be to take a good hard look at your current finances. Evaluate the monthly payment you can realistically handle for a car loan along with all your other financial obligations. Don't forget to allow for insurance and maintenance. Do your best to choose a car that will help you stay on track and make your monthly payments on time. Paying your car payment on or before the due date is the quickest way to rebuild your credit history.
Once you have successfully paid the car loan for a year, chances are good that you will have the opportunity to refinance with a lower interest rate. Make a note to yourself to recheck your credit score after the first year and begin to look for refinancing at that point. This could save you money over the balance of the car loan after bankruptcy.
And, finally research a car dealership or auto broker that has expertise in finding car loans after bankruptcy. Some dealerships and brokers have special finance departments. Because of the volume of special loans they secure, these experts can typically find you lower interest rates. And, this will make your monthly payments lower. With the lower monthly payments you will have a better chance to regain your financial borrowing power and improve your overall credit history.
By Mike Reitz
There are a few things that you can do to help you get the approval you need for a car loan. Let's explore a few steps you can take to make car loans after bankruptcy easier.
Begin by double-checking your credit history reports. Pull your credit reports from Equifax, Transunion and Experian and go through them with a fine tooth comb to be sure that all debts that were to be removed in the bankruptcy are no longer on the reports. Sometimes, the bureaus can miss taking off a debt that has actually been discharged through your bankruptcy and this can lower your credit score more than it should.
You may want to draft up a letter to send to each of the three credit bureaus explaining the reasons for filing bankruptcy. If you had a setback due to a divorce, extreme medical bills or a temporary loss of job, this letter could give you a better chance at getting lower interest rates. Potential lenders will be able to read the explanation and may take this into consideration when deciding to grant you a car loan after bankruptcy. In addition, feel free to explain the steps you have taken to begin to rebuild your FICO score.
After reviewing your credit reports the next step would be to take a good hard look at your current finances. Evaluate the monthly payment you can realistically handle for a car loan along with all your other financial obligations. Don't forget to allow for insurance and maintenance. Do your best to choose a car that will help you stay on track and make your monthly payments on time. Paying your car payment on or before the due date is the quickest way to rebuild your credit history.
Once you have successfully paid the car loan for a year, chances are good that you will have the opportunity to refinance with a lower interest rate. Make a note to yourself to recheck your credit score after the first year and begin to look for refinancing at that point. This could save you money over the balance of the car loan after bankruptcy.
And, finally research a car dealership or auto broker that has expertise in finding car loans after bankruptcy. Some dealerships and brokers have special finance departments. Because of the volume of special loans they secure, these experts can typically find you lower interest rates. And, this will make your monthly payments lower. With the lower monthly payments you will have a better chance to regain your financial borrowing power and improve your overall credit history.
By Mike Reitz
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